Analytical HPLC YL9100 Plus

Product Specification

Model YL9100 Plus
Brand Young Lin Instruments
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Set

Product Specification

Model YL9100 Plus
Brand Young Lin Instruments
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Set

Product Description

YL’s HPLC is built to provide an exceptional cost/performance ratio. Continued research anddevelopment provide high-end performance and features, while a state of the art manufacturing facilityensures outstanding quality. With more than 30 years experience and development, we are proud topresent our new HPLC, YL9100 Plus.Newly improved YL9110 PlusQuaternary Pump delivers theenhanced mixing performanceto provide the very stabilizedbaseline by reducing noise whenit comes to change the solventcomposition.With automatic compressibilitycompensation minimizing flowrate deviation in the pump, YL9100Plus HPLC ensures superiorRT repeatability by providingaccurate and precise flow rates

Superior Sensitivity

One of many innovative features of YL9120 UV/Vis Detector is shieldedoptic design, which protects the optical components from dangerouscontaminants such as fine dust or harmful gases, providing highdetection sensitivity.In addition, the Seya-NamiokaMonochromator and a newBlazed Holographic ConcaveGrating enhance light intensity,ensuring high sensitivity overthe entire wavelength range

Outstanding Reliability

One of many innovative features of YL9120 UV/Vis Detector is shieldedoptic design, which protects the optical components from dangerouscontaminants such as fine dust or harmful gases, providing highdetection sensitivity.In addition, the Seya-NamiokaMonochromator and a newBlazed Holographic ConcaveGrating enhance light intensity,ensuring high sensitivity overthe entire wavelength range

YL9110 Plus Quaternary Pump
– Operating principle Parallel dual-plunger pump,Low-pressure gradient- Number of Solvents up to 4 solvents- Gradient formation 4-channel mixing valve- Composition Precision < 0.1 %- Composition Accuracy < 0.5 %

YL9111 Plus Binary Pump- Operating principle Double Parallel dual-plungerpump, High-pressure gradient- Number of Solvents 2

YL9112 Plus Isocratic Pump- No mixing valve- Operating principle Parallel dual-plunger pump- Easily upgraded to YL9110 Plus Quaternary pump

Pump Specification in Common YL9112 Plus Isocratic Pump- No mixing valve- Operating principle Parallel dual-plunger pump- Easily upgraded to YL9110 Plus Quaternary pump YL9110 Plus Quaternary Pump- Operating principle Parallel dual-plunger pump,Low-pressure gradient- Number of Solvents up to 4 solvents- Gradient formation 4-channel mixing valve- Composition Precision < 0.1 %- Composition Accuracy < 0.5 % YL9111 Plus Binary Pump- Operating principle Double Parallel dual-plungerpump, High-pressure gradient- Number of Solvents 2 Smart ControlSetting any factors or pressing ‘Purge’ button, you can easily set the flow rate or solventcomposition. Also, you can monitor the pressure and status of pumps. Fully Automatic PrimeYou only need to set the solvent composition and press ‘Prime On’. It’ll automatically floweach solvent at 100% to remove bubbles or change the solvent in the flow path and then getback to the set composition rate to be ready.- Compressibility compensation Automatic- Flow range – Analytical 0.001-10 mL/min- Semi-prep 0.01-50 mL/min- Flow rate accuracy +-1 % at 1 mL/min- Maximum pressure- Analytical 6000 psi – Semi-prep 3500 psi> Operating range 0-6000 psi up to 5 mL/min > Operating range 0-3500 psi up to 35 mL/min> Operating range 0-3000 psi at 5-10 mL/min > Operating range 0-2500 psi at 35-50 mL/min- Automatic prime/purge- Safety & maintenance Leak detection, Diagnostics, Error detection


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